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St Joseph's Catholic Primary Academy Grosvenor Road, Dalton, Huddersfield, HD5 9HU

01484 531669

We are proud to work with all the Catholic schools across our two local authority areas, particularly as the Trust grows and benefits from the expertise and knowledge that other schools joining in the future will bring.

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Our Mission Statement

Loving and serving together in the light of God's love

Year 4: Saint Maximilian Kolbe


We are working hard to become a paperless school so please check regularly for updates.

 Welcome to Year 4!

Class teacher: Mrs Land

Student teachers: Mrs Rudd and Miss Morley

Support staff: Mrs Macken

Useful information:

  • Homework is set on a Friday through Purple Mash and is due in the following Friday.
  • Spellings are handed out on Fridays and a copy is also uploaded onto Purple Mash. Spelling tests are every Friday morning.
  • In June, all children in year 4 have to complete the Multiplication Timetables Check (MTC). To support your child with this please ensure they log on TT Rockstars at home and complete an activity.
  • PE We have PE every Tuesday and Thursday.
  • All children have a class book to read. Please listen to your child read regularly and sign their reading diaries.
  • Please ensure your child has a labelled water bottle each day in school.

Home Learning 

  Importance of Reading


Spring 2 Learning


This term, our book study is Tuesday by David Wiesner and we are building up to writing our own narrative based on the text. We are learning how to use adverbial phrases and relative clauses.

In reading we are developing the full range of comprehension skills, ensuring we are using evidence from the text to answer questions effectively, learning to skim and scan to find evidence within the text quickly.


This term we are focusing on multiplication, length, perimeter and fractions. Every day, we will be continuing our Flashback learning and Maths meetings


This term we are learning all about Rocks and Soils. We will make our own compost bins at the end of the scheme of work.


We are learning about landscapes. We will look at how landforms can change through physical processes and develop awareness of how humans impact landform change through pollution.


This half term we are focusing on Jesus the Saviour, using the bible to explore how Jesus is both God and human and finding biblical evidence for this. We will also consider the importance of Lent before exploring the Easter story, making links to the New Covenant and how the Resurrection of Jesus is important to our lives today.


We are thinking about ways to keep ourselves healthy, both in mind and body and why this is important to help us develop and be happy.


We will be looking at sculpture and 3D: Abstract shape and space.


This term we have a sports coach in on Tuesdays for team games and in our other PE lesson we will be focusing on invasion games.


This half term we will be looking at data and information.


We will be looking at different types of foods. We will be able to request a quantity, preference and describe the items.


This half term we will have a musician coming into school from Kirklees Musica.

Previous Learning

We had a great morning in Design Technology learning how to program wearable technology. We problem solved how to program and control a product. We used MakeCode to make our Micro:bit light up and sent different codes to the light sensor.


In RE we learnt about Saint Maximilian Kolbe and our topic was The Bible. We looked at the stories of Abraham, Moses and David. We also had our first class Mass and it was lovely to see so many family and friends of St Joseph's attend.


In literacy, our book study was The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. We focused on descriptive writing and writing complex sentences. We also linked our writing with Black History Month and learnt about the remarkable Rosa Parks. We buddied up with Miss Hutchins class and created a fantastic college of Rosa Parks.


Our history focus was The Iron Age where we learnt about tribes and settlements, beliefs and at the end of the topic we visited our outdoor classroom and took part in an Archaeological dig.


In science our focus was 'Animals including humans'. We enjoyed learning about the skeletal system and how muscles work. Class 4 chose to investigate 'Does the length of the femur affect how far you jump?'



We had a fantastic first term and look forward to the next one!