In partnership with

St Joseph's Catholic Primary Academy Grosvenor Road, Dalton, Huddersfield, HD5 9HU

01484 531669

We are proud to work with all the Catholic schools across our two local authority areas, particularly as the Trust grows and benefits from the expertise and knowledge that other schools joining in the future will bring.

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Our Mission Statement

Loving and serving together in the light of God's love


Year 5: St Margaret Clitherow

 A Good Friday Saint: Margaret Clitherow, the Pearl of York ...

Welcome to Year 5!

Class teacher: Miss Trought 

PPA cover Thursday morning: Mrs Batters

Learning support: Mrs Macken & Mrs Sieradzan

We are working hard to become a paperless school so please check regularly for updates.

Useful information:


Children will take home double sided homework, consisting of Grammar and Maths each Friday. Homework to be completed and returned by the following Friday. 

Weekly spellings 

Children will take home spellings every Monday and will be tested the following Monday. There are three different spelling groups and your child will know which words to learn. Children will also take home a spelling booklet to practise spellings

Times tables

Practising times tables will help your child to apply their knowledge to solving calculations and worded problems across all areas in maths. All children have been arranged into groups on TTRS to practise.


Children will take home a book every day to read at home and will also have a book in school to read. Please encourage your child to read at home every day. 


Children must arrive to school in their full PE kit on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. 

Water Bottles

Please ensure your child has a labelled water bottle in school. 

Autumn term 


The children will be introduced to different types of sentences (simple, compound and complex) to include in a letter to Nancy (wife of Henry) from the text Freedom Box. The children will then be introduced to relative clauses to use in a diary entry as a soldier from Piano and then move onto writing a story using cohesion. After the half term, the children will learn all about William Shakespeare with a focus on the use of colons, semi-colons and parentheses. 


The children will have 5 lessons a week with an arithmetic lesson, once every two weeks. During the first half term, the children will be introduced to place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. After the half-term, the children will move onto fractions. 


Autumn 1 Properties and changes of materials.

Autumn 2 Forces

Religious Education

Autumn 1 Creation

Autumn 2 The Commandments/God's Covenant


Autumn 1 Balance and Stretching & Fitness

Autumn 2 Gymnastics, Dodgeball/Hockey 


Autumn 1 What is Installation Art?

Autumn 2 Designing and making a waistcoat 


Autumn 1 The Tudors

Autumn 2 Marvellous Maps 

PSHE (Jigsaw)

Autumn 1 Being me in my world

Autumn 2 Celebrating Difference 


Autumn 1 Digital communication and elaboration 

Autumn 2 Creating and designing a web page 

If you have any questions/queries, please contact the school office and I will in touch as soon as possible.